• Member Since 19th Jul, 2013


Pony Author, Writer of Foal Stories, Storyteller, Equestrian Analyzer and occasional Pony Artist. You can support the stories I tell on Patreon to get nice rewards or tip me on Ko-fi (LINKS BELOW).

Season 7 311 stories
  • Season 7 311 stories - 722 unread chapters A bookshelf for all fics based on or inspired by a Season 7 episode!
    Created by Fluttercheer
    - March, 2017
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Total Words: 1,370,284
Estimated Reading: 3 days



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(Takes place prior to "The Big Mac Question" for obvious reasons.)

Big Macintosh's romantic relationship with Sugar Belle is hardly a secret, everypony in town knows about it. Even Cheerilee.

In fact, it's because of the relationship that Cheerilee has arranged to meet with Sugar Belle after the end of classes one day. The meeting is something that Sugar Belle is understandably nervous about since she knows about Cheerilee and Big Mac dating.

But Sugar Belle doesn't know why Cheerilee has called her in, it isn't for the reasons the up and coming unicorn baker might think. Cheerilee has something she wants Big Mac's girlfriend to understand and something she wants to make perfectly clear about her own feelings for the stallion.

Chapters (1)

Star Swirl's friendship lessons have brought him to Hope Hollow, and he's brought his old friend Rockhoof along for their festival. But after pleading with Rockhoof to live in the moment, the two might just learn that their history and friendship have a lot in common.

Cover art is done by the wonderfully talented Little Tigress! Go commission her!

Chapters (1)

As the newly ascended ruler of Equestria, Princess Twilight Sparkle has enough to deal with without hearing one of her friends has been arrested for going berserk and destroying Ponyville. She's even more surprised to find out that it was Applejack!

Pic from here, https://www.equestriadaily.com/2020/02/blog-post_3.html

"A complete utter bunch of crazy nonsense written and edited in half a day" - the writer.

Chapters (1)

Just because Bright Mac and Pear Butter are dead doesn't mean they're gone.

Far from it.

No Raisin

Chapters (1)

Even as foals, Buttercup and Bright Macintosh have been in love. But ever since their disastrous secret wedding, Buttercup has been acting... differently. After the birth of their third child, things take a drastic turn, and it seems nothing will be the same again.

Chapters (3)

After seeing what Discord's tea parties are like in his dimension, Fluttershy decides to make her next tea party as chaotic as his, only to find that her being overly-chaotic causes her to start fading away like him.

(Basically a backwards version of Discordant Harmony)

Chapters (2)

After getting love advices from the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Feather Bangs is ready to hang out with Dear Darling, Fond Feather and Swoon Song at their house. But when he gets invited to their house, they’ve been asking the same question about him. They all play a game where Feather must answer to his fangirls questions when all their turns are over.

Thanks to Daniyel099 for editing this.

Chapters (1)

Have you ever wondered what horrors could lurk far from the habitable corners of modern cities and quiet towns? Even after a millennium since the arrival of the three tribes in Equestria, there are places virtually unknown to the ponykind. And it is there, among the wonders and mysteries of bygone times, that the spawns of darkness are waiting for their prey.

Originally written in Russian as Голодные тени by SMT5015.
The author doesn't know English well and gave his explicit permission to translate and post the story. The translation is an independent work of fiction, and does not constitute theft, self-appropriation of authorship, or disrespect for the work of the original writer.
Edited and preread by Typoglyphic, Nethlarion, ChudoJogurt, Spectre-srs, discranola, Listener.

Chapters (1)

After Starlight messes up the show enough times, Trixie decides to temporarily cut Starlight out of their magic act. Starlight goes to old methods to hide her emotions.

Chapters (3)

(For those of you who don't know, Pie Hater Dash is the laser-eye-firing demon pegasus that Pinkie imagined in "Secrets and Pies" (S7E23).)

Reverse "Cupcakes" fic, where Pinkie is the victim and Dash is the killer.

Chapters (1)